On this page you can find my miniature photos taken with miniature figures. Here's some information about these figures. They are only 2 cm in height and from plastic and they are also called H0 figures or 1/87 scale figures. Since they're only 2cm in height it's often a challange to keep them upright. So I really love my tacky wax.
For my work as a flight attendent I travel around the world and during these trips my mini me is accompanying me. I named her Jet (shortcut for Jumbojet). She might get her own page.
Would you like to decorate your home or office with one of my art works? Please visit my shop at Werk aan de muur. You can customize all the print to your needs. If you use the wallapp you can even have a preview in a certain setting. Just have a look here.

Taking out the cow

King of the sea

Queen of the sky

Come fly with me

At the hairdresser

Let's trim that fur




More pruning

Havinf a splash of water

At work

Bike tour

Inside the tulip

What a mess

what's behind the tulip leaves

Pruning makes flowering

Climbing the tulip

To the top


Climbing the carbage can


Who did some shopping

In the ball pit

At the festival

Wind through your hairs

New York City

Having lunch at height

Catching a breath

Hello sweetie


Making money

Fill it up

Money laundry

Does it fit

New key

Oeps did it break

Gumballl golf

bowling golf


crack the code

Almost got you



Making music

Big clean up

At the pool

ready set go

In a silent vomit tray

Money tree



Self starter

Just a tiny drop of paint

looking good

black again

Oeps, sorry

Harvesting the sunflower